Card Readings By Susan, San Antonio, TX
San Antonio, TX, .
+1 210-990-0100
1 year ago
Susan is such a blessing and I am so thankful that God directed me to her. She's the only spiritual advisor that I trust, which is a big deal for me, as I am a very cautious and don't trust easily. For me, the experience with Susan has been better than a therapist and definitely more affordable than the one I was seeing. I have been getting the best "therapy" sessions from her since 2018. I first came to Susan out of desperation with little to no will to live due to traumatic situations I experienced. When the horrible situation I was in at the time seemed impossible with no foreseeable light at the end of the tunnel, Susan provided me that light with her amazing gifts and positive aura. She knew God was on my side and the corruption of man would not lead to the failure of my complicated case. I literally had every deck stacked up against me with no favorable outcomes being possible. Susan kept reassuring me that it would all workout in my favor. I just didn't see how it was possible at the time, and thought she was just telling me what I wanted to hear and leaving me with false hopes. All I can say is Susan really is gifted and must be an angel on earth because everything she said was true and 3 years later my entire situation changed dramatically. For my 3-4 year case outcome to happen the way it did, was divine intervention and only can be explained that way. I will always be grateful to Susan for being that seed of positive hope in the past when there seemed to be none and helping me see light in my darkest days. Susan truly is an instrument of God.
Kelly Pena
1 year ago
Susan is a blessing! I was fortunate enough to meet Susan the year we moved to SA (You can read my review on Yelp from my first meeting with her). Having been a rough start to life in TX, I needed clarity having believed I made a mistake. Not being new to having my cards read, I experienced a new level of care and professionalism with Susan; the reading provided me what I needed to have the strength to endure. Before leaving SA late last year, I met with Susan -- with all big transitions you would expect someone to have anxiety and worry, right? I am so grateful for that meeting because I was again armed with strengthening guidance which made a HUGE difference as we landed in Washington. She remains a life force for me as I just finished a reading here in WA over the phone with her! If I had ever needed her guidance, it was today. You will get so much out of the way she cares for what she shares with you. What I love is her personal touch: She wants to make sure you ask your questions if you have any and, unlike other readers (as I have been with a few), she is invested in our conversation. Lastly, if you are looking for mediumship which was something I debated doing in the first place, I cannot recommend her enough. I received the peace of mind I so desperately needed - having lost my father unexpectedly in 2019. Susan has made such a difference in my life, and I hope you find peace when you meet with her as well.
devin daniel
1 year ago
Card readings by susan has to be the simplest way of putting it, In fact it is so much more. Susan listens, cares, and guides in ways that are unexplainable. I met susan 2 years ago, Not knowing who i was. " Broken " is a word I’ll use. Susan took me in and made me feel safe, loved. Susan helped me find " me ". To flourish, grow, and believe. I have never been happier in my entire life! I hope to never get my last reading. Without Susan, I would have never found me and I will always love you for that! Thank you Susan, for allowing me to shine <3