Newark - Pennsylvania Station, Newark, NJ
Newark, NJ, 1 Raymond Plaza West &, Market St. ZIP Code: 07102
+1 800-872-7245
1 year ago
Nothing like Penn Station in NYC. Only a few shops, Dirty stairwells that smell of urine that lead the the tracks from the outside streets. Homeless people. A lot of police presence. People smoking Cigarettes while sitting on the limited benches on the platform while your sitting next to them. A McDonald’s that was closed. Not a station you want to wait at the platform level.
Burt Shoobs
1 year ago
Historic Pennsylvania Station in Newark is aesthetically an architectural marvel. A lot of the marble internal construction still exists, maintaining some of the original allure that it had when it opened. However, despite several refurbishings in recent years, this place has sadly fallen prey to the times. What was once a pride now has become a shameful shadow of what once was. Despite some very nice food stands (and one train wreck of a McDonald's) it has become a place where commuters play games of "Get to your bus or train as fast as you can", "Dodge the panhandlers", and "Don't trip over, step on, or sit on, the homeless". Another popular game for travellers to engage in, is called "Go to the rest room (if you dare) without losing your last meal after getting a whiff of what's in there". While there is an omnipresent police presence there, it's simply a hopelessly lost war. Best advice to travellers: Get in, and get going as quickly as possible.
maribel hernandez
1 year ago
Smells are awful but you're only there to commute it's okay. Be observant, don't stray away from crowds. The customer service at the Information Booth was very helpful. The maintenance staff is also very helpful if they think you're lost. Bathrooms are up-to-date, I saw someone standing on post wiping the floors and was vigilant of the area.