Apollo Beach, Apollo Beach, FL
Apollo Beach, FL, Apollo Beach, FL 33572, United States.
Jeremy Cosenza
1 year ago
Calling it a "beach" is funny to me, usually calling it that means there's swimming, but apparently there's just scenery. Put my feet in the water to cool off a bit, but beach patrol wasn't having it. I asked why politely,I'm not swimming or wadding , not breaking any rules as stated..she responded 3 people died here last year while swimming..rip current 3 inches of water ankle deep mind you,so we got out as well as the 5 other people around us. It's a nice place for relaxing, not for kids if they want to swim, or enjoy an actual beach atmosphere.
Alex R
1 year ago
Beautiful Small Perfect Beach To Relax And Watch The Amazing Sunset View And Much More! Definitely A Must Go
jackie blauvelt
1 year ago
I lived there in 92 till 94. Used to go to the beach a lot. Kids would swim while we fished. You could drive around the dunes and would park opposite the power plant. Loved it.