Mind Matters Hypnosis Center - Guilford Location, Guilford, CT
Guilford, CT, 705 Boston Post Rd Building C,. ZIP Code: 06437
+1 860-693-6448
Amber Petty
1 year ago
Ginger's session was incredible! As my first try with hypnosis, I didn't know what to expect (or how well I'd do), but Ginger immediately put me at ease. I felt safe and guided the whole time, though the work went deep. I can't recommend Ginger more, she's really amazing.
Natalia Neuhaus
1 year ago
During the pandemic, many of us gave in and indulged a bit too much in alcohol. Some of us had trouble regaining our balance in a semi-normal new reality. After trying (in vain) on my own to reduce my alcohol consumption, I contacted Ginger and gave hypnosis a try. I knew Ginger from before times and I have nothing but admiration. I knew that a hypnosis session from her would be the real deal. So no surprise if I tell you that my session helped me reduce my alcohol intake, wake up earlier in the morning, and find a better sleep-work balance. Hypnosis it’s no magic pill, it goes hand in hand with repeating your intentions before going to sleep and in the morning. Hypnosis it’s a great jumpstart to all of those healthy changes we want to do in our life but for xyz reasons we keep postponing. Thank you Ginger for this jumpstart!
Bruce Palermo
1 year ago
I am 75 years old and now a non-smoker. I smoked off and on since I was a teenager. With Betty's help I no longer am a smoker. I tried every way to quit before this and this worked so well. Sometimes I forget that I was a smoker at all. Well worth the money. After a few months I have more than already saved the money spent. And I will be around longer to enjoy my grandchildren. May God bless you all