Visalia Psychic & Crystal Healing, Visalia, CA
Visalia, CA, 3240 E Mineral King Ave. ZIP Code: 93292
+1 559-732-8882
Rosalyn Jimenez
1 year ago
I went to see her because I had to get assurance that what I was told from another psychic was accurate and this woman broke it down for me. She kept it honest and real. I told her my name and my birthday and I told her 1 thing I hoped for and she talked like she knew me and my life. She knew everything about me past and present. She knew my pain and my struggle. And I never said a word about it to her. She gave me a real hopeful reading. The same information I had received but more detail with no sugar coating. I am hopeful for my future and I will go see her again.
Daddy Florez
1 year ago
I went to her a few years ago and she threw me on a bed and put a bunch of crystals on me and told me I had to go on a strict diet basically eat nothing but drink water is what she said I had a very physical job at the time and didn’t feel comfortable I decided to go somewhere else she was upset and started leaving me not so nice messages. After a few years and mediating with crystals on my own I realize now what she was trying to do. It is clear to me that she has no business doing what she does. Your spiritual journey is a precious one that should be not forced and in her failing to explain what it is that’s she’s doing she’s not helping you. She’s not a spiritual guide. If your going through a spiritual awakening, or want to have one, yoga is a good starter, mediate, trust your instincts, read and do some research don’t waste your money. I found that you tube is very helpful. She’s not interested in helping you. Enlightenment is yours if you want it and it’s amazing!
Joseph Sims
1 year ago
I have spoken with Jennifer 3 different occasions. I have done crystal healing and readings...She is pretty accurate about things happening. Things did indeed happen how she said they would. Even some of the people in my life. It was a bit costly. I didn't have $7k for a life sized candle though so I had to stop. She definitely helped so idk what's up with the reviews.