Spiritual Sky Gifts and Psychic Readings, Merced, CA
Merced, CA, 2250 Ashby Rd. ZIP Code: 95348
+1 209-349-8888
1 year ago
Its going to be a good time when I arrive.
1 year ago
In the matters of true spirituality, I don't believe stars can be given. Why should we commodify it? Anyhow know my three stars mean nothing.
I came to have a palm reading because of curiosity. I love exploring spirituality, texts, and the different avenues that people take to reach their own self-realization. Hence, I ended up at this shop to see and experience.
Overall, I didn't feel the most welcoming or kind energy radiating from David. He had much more of a cold and stern demeanor and talked in a matter-factly manner that made me feel like everything he said could be true. It is what it is. This is no point of criticism just what I felt.
Coming to the close of my palm reading, he offered me three crystal healing sessions that would help me remove and clear the negative energy in me for $365, which did throw me off. Side note, I already meditate and do so with crystals at times . . . I don't think crystals are necessary ever but they are nice if they help.
Before the reading, I felt at peace. After I felt at war. This says a lot about the energy being exchanged. If you are seeking peace in answers from the past or future, know that is not where it is to be found.
Anyhow, I do not know what the future holds so I cannot say that David or any other psychic do not possess abilities of foresight at this time. But what I can say is if you choose to get a reading, be grounded. Don't get lost.
Someone can give you a "negative" reading and offer you healing sessions to clear your energy. Someone can give you a positive reading and offer you healing sessions so your positive energies and hopes will manifest. Be careful to those who prey on your fears and/or your hopes. Remember that the only thing that matters is your present moment. Not the past. Not the future. For the past no longer is and the future only comes in the form of the present.
And I'll be transparent and share my reading for fun:
The palm reading was arranged into past, present, and future.
Now that I think about it he didn't actually say much about my past . . .
1) My love life isn't working right now. Accurate! But whose is? 🤡😆
Jk. I know a couple. 😉
2) I have strong health.
3) I give a lot of positive energy out to people but don't necessarily receive that kind of energy back.
4) There's something keeping my positive energy blocked and from expressing itself.
1) I will live til my 90s.
2) I will have extremely strong health.
3) In the next, 4-6 years, I will have a major accident where I am in a vehicle that may involve me getting back surgery.
4) I will have complications with my stomach involving surgical procedures. Though I will have major health complications there will also be major solutions.
5) Someone who I had a strong connection with in the past may/will? come back into my life.
Thank you for the reading. I really appreciated it. It was informative in my own perspective on what palm readings can and cannot provide. 🙏
1 year ago
If you are a catholic read this:
All forms of divination are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to "unveil" the future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect, and loving fear that we owe to God alone.