Quietmind Astrology, Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles, CA, .
+1 818-646-8138
leamarie krzyzaniak
1 year ago
I like the insights to what a certain day would be good for and what planet positions can possibly correspond with what world events and why.
Linda Spiller
1 year ago
Jeremy provides a clear and comprehensive approach to Vedic astrology that allows beginners to feel more comfortable with the subject matter. Jeremy‘s provides a lot of free material and learning options in each of his podcasts. I appreciate his experience with the subject matter and his personal approach to presenting information that can help guide us to make more informed decisions that apply to our daily life. Thumbs up Jeremy!
Wendy Yared
1 year ago
This is my favorite podcast! I always learn so much about the energies swirling around and how to work with (or against them)! Thanks for such an informative and logical explanation of astrology.