Universal Core Healing, Huntington Park, CA
Huntington Park, CA, .
+1 714-222-8835
Reverand James gordon
1 year ago
Good job could use some help here sisters
. blessings namstate
angie Tinsley
1 year ago
I have been taking Tony's classes for about 1 year. My psychic & mediumship abilities have advanced to a level beyond my own comprehension. I am now more psychic & an evidential medium. There has been no other teacher or classes in the past that I have taken that could have ever gotten me to this level & so fast. Tony's teachings have helped me to remove the emotional blocks in my life that have held me back from fulfilling my life's potental. I have definitely been on his fast track for psychic & mediumship development. Tony is the Guru of psychic & mediumship development.