Crystal Vista, Mount Ida, AR
Mount Ida, AR, Mt Ida, AR 71957, United States.
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Emily Wand
1 year ago
The hike is steep, but we were able to pull a wagon up to the top. When you get up there, there’s plenty of shade and some flat areas to lay out a picnic. We had a great time and will definitely be back.
Andy Doty
1 year ago
The walk up is no joke! Bring more water then needed. Once up the mine is fun and you will find plenty of quartz crystals. Walk the north edge to the back. Hidden treasures in there.
Michael Fuller
1 year ago
Picks and buckets work better than a hammer and pockets. The hike up can take a long time if you're distracted by shiny things. Entire veins await you at the top. If it looks like glass it isn't and you will lose it in your pocket.